Wednesday 25 May 2016


I expected to read some or all of the following points in the recast texts WRITTEN FROM THE 9.00 - 11.10 CLASS - the group I share with Brian
  • The Vietnam War will not be won on the battle fields but in the farms and villages of Vietnam.
  • It won't be won in the capital city or on the battleground
  • The US has made an effort to capture the hearts and minds of citizens
  • 'hearts and minds' means creating emotional and intellectual support or commitment to a specific point of view
  • There are many US citizens and military organisations involved in trying to develop support and sympathy for US moral principles and way of life
  • In the 1950's the Vietnam War was seen a buffer stopping the spread of communism to other South East Asian countries such as Burma or Thailand
  • Today this model has been rejected. The domino effect model is seen as no longer viable
  • The US military campaign against north Vietnam is no longer seen as an investment.
    • The duration of the war is too long, its become a dirty war - meaning I think immoral and waged without rules or tried or tested military conventions. It's also a war that has been incredibly destructive - devastating civilian life.
  • As a result the US began a second military strategy. It is fought in the forests and relies on intense training and briefing. I wonder if this involves bribery and or  brain washing. These words are never used I think this maybe part of US strategy.
  • So there are new villages / communities in the forest. Built and established with US money and support. These places are inspired by US capitalist values.
  • To visit them this journalist had to first undergo intense workshops, lectures and briefings in preparation for these visits.
  • These briefings looked good on paper. They were delivered with energy and enthusiasm. But I get the impression this journalist thinks it will fail. Just as the US military campaign will fail.